Reading Tuition & Library Support

Dedicated support and guidance to ensure your child is motivated to read regularly

At Achieve, the expectation and requirement of regular reading is at the heart of all our learning programmes. We provide library reading support and reading encouragement to our students, ensuring they have every opportunity to expand their reading ability. Our on site library contains an extensive range of reading material for them to access.

A key benefit of regular reading is that the ability to absorb and understand new information is significantly raised; this can lead to enhanced academic achievement across all subject areas.

Recent academic research from the Institute of Education has indicated that children who read regularly from a wide variety of texts and take pleasure from reading tend to significantly outperform their peers in a range of academic tests. (Source: Institute of Education, London - Social inequalities in cognitive scores at age 16: The role of reading).

Following many years of tutoring experience, and the significant academic success of our students, we have witnessed through first-hand experience the validity of the above research.

That’s why, for the benefit of all our students, we consistently continue to invest and update our extensive on-site library and our reading tracking processes.

We have a wide range of on-site reading material ranging from the latest contemporary novels in addition to core classic texts and up to date reading journals.

All our students are encouraged and supported to read from a wide variety of texts, and reading habits are regularly tracked and monitored. Older students are also required to regularly read and summarise key topical newspaper articles on a weekly basis.

Achieve students are:

Encouraged and supported to read regularly from a wide variety of texts
Given the opportunity to access and borrow reading material from our extensive on-site library
Set appropriate reading targets to support their studies and stretch their reading ability
Given reading targets that are monitored and tracked
Expected to complement book reading with regular newspaper reading (Year 6/7 upwards)
Set targets to develop their use and range of vocabulary within their written work

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